Anett Mádi-Nátor

Anett Mádi-Nátor

Director of International Affairs, Cyber Services

Anett Mádi-Nátor has more than a decade of experience in strategic and administrative layers of information security and cyber defence both as a private sector subject matter expert and as a government representative.
Her recent appointments include Hungarian MilCIRC Head of Coordination, Administrative Head of Hungarian government cyber security centre (Cyber Defence Management Authority within the National Security Authority), NATO Cyber Coalition Exercises Core Strategic and Administrative Planner, and Lead to NATO Cyber Defence Capability Team.
Up to the summer of 2015 Anett was the appointed primary policy and administrative contact point for Hungary in the Memorandum of Understanding in Cyber Defence between NATO and Hungary. Anett received a ministerial award for excelling public service in 2013.
Before her successful public service Anett as International Project Management Expert and also as Lead Internal Trainer at the most significant private IT company in Hungary participated in great business developments and contributed to project successes.
Prior to public service and commercial business development Anett started her professional career specialized in adult training mostly for the military, special forces, and IT professionals at public administration. As such, she is the Communication Module Lead at Cyber Institute Ethical Hacking Course.
Anett strongly supports cyber defence information sharing both in form of raising awareness as a qualified trainer and sharing information to enable defensive collaboration among all involved entities. As such Anett took a significant role in launching the 'Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure' Manifesto through Global Forum on Cyber Expertise, 2015.
Anett takes a strong role in the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) where she takes a lead of the working group responsible for cyber range and technical education programmes for the EU, and is a member of the ECSO Board Task Force on the future EU cybersecurity. She also participates at UN ITU regional Cyber Drill series, as cyber drill planner and coordinator.
Besides her successful public service and private business activities Anett is a regular speaker at various cyber security events and conferences in Europe and in the Far East.